Technology and Contributor Credits
Xemistry logo Database generation and search functionality by CACTVS universal chemistry information handling system
by W. D. Ihlenfeldt
ACD logo Computed logP values and life links into property prediction services
by ACD Labs. More than 200,000 IUPAC names calculated by ACD/Name v. 4.0
Organon logo Drug-likeness prediction by M. Wagener at Organon (which was acquired by Schering-Plough which later merged with Merck & Co.)
PASS logo PASS drug activity/inactivity prediction by V. Poroikov Catalyst modelling program
MOLNET Logo 3D base conformation data generated by Molecular Networks CORINA coordinate generator
LIQCRYST logo Fully cross-indexed to LIQCRYST database
by V. Vill
Apache logoPowered by an Apache webserver